Bjam Records
was founded in 1993 as an indie label based in St. Louis, Missouri.
Bjam's debut release was "Great Dream" by the Geyer Street Sheiks.
More releases followed including: "It's
Hoo Doo Time" by The Hoo Doo
Cats, "Far As The Wind Blows" by Belle Starr, "What's That Smell? Live At The Venice Cafe" by Funkabilly, "Rethink Rubbish" by FulmAr and "Out Of The Gate Again-Sixteen
More From The Grain Belt"
a compilation of songs from St. Louis area bands.
Bjam was active until 2006 when it became clear that never getting paid-that's another story- was a bummer.
Some of the titles may still
be available you just can't get them from us. If you do a little rummaging you
should be able to find, a used CD or the digital download.
Happy rummaging and thanks for the trip.
The Bjam Boys.
The Geyer Street Sheiks |
Missouri Blues Old & Evil |
fulmAr |
Rethink Rubbish Hobo Rock |
Out of The Gate Again |
Alt-Country/Americana Compilation |
Funk(a)Billy |
What's that smell? Live at the Venice Cafe |